Cleaning Protocols - Pasadena Rose & Crown Hotel
During these challenging times with the COVID-19 Pandemic, we deem it essential to implement new sanitation guidelines and processes at our hotel in order to provide as safe an environment as possible for our guests and associates.
Here are some measures we have implemented to work towards a more sanitary and safe experience, for all:
- Sneeze guard at Front Desk to prevent spread at lobby
- Modified breakfast procedures. Limited items are available to take to your room.
- Front desk staff are instructed to wear disposable gloves
- Room key cards and pens are sanitized after each use.
- Installed hand sanitizer stations
- Our pool and Fitness room are closed as per CDC guidelines.
- Vacated guest rooms are disinfected with a broad-spectrum disinfectant registered with the Environmental Protection Agency. This innovative product contains no chlorine, phosphates or harsh chemicals and has a botanically derived active ingredient.
The housekeeping staff has been trained to look at the guest rooms differently and clean and disinfect all of the areas that are touched by guests:
- Door handles, jams and the sides of doors
- T V remote control
- Thermostat control
- Tops of headboards
- Electric sockets and lamp switches.
- Telephone
- Chair frames
- All bathroom doors, handles and mirrors
- Hair dryer- the body, plug, and cord
- Coffee maker, refrigerator and safe
- Drapery rods
We have also implemented processes to clean the public areas that most people touch without thought:
- Elevator buttons
- All hand rails and exterior door handles.
- Master keys are sanitized daily.
- Disinfect handles to mops, dusters, vacuums, toilet brushes, and spray bottles daily
- Disinfect the staff break room and all appliances, handles, and tables
- Luggage carts are disinfected routinely during the day
- Sanitize vending machines, guest laundry (machines, soap, and change dispensers, surfaces, door handles, door jams, and seats)
- Upon checking out , every item on the bed is freshly laundered, including mattress pad, pillow cases and covers
- Remove pamphlets, maps, menus, and magazines from common areas
- Disinfect seats, tables, lamps, and all areas that are commonly touched by guests in lobbies and common areas

- All of our staff have been trained on 'Universal Precaution' methods
- Housekeeping staff wears disposable gloves at all times during cleaning, and wear a new pair at the start of servicing each guest room.
- Housekeeping staff has been taught the proper method of removing gloves, and proper disposal to avoid cross-contamination
- Housekeeping carts are sanitized before use each day